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Correction: Loony Lake Norman, NC

Winds were nowhere near as gusty as I mistyped <G> - should read "calm to
1-3 kts."

Also bollixed list of 'others' is corrected below:

Birding by fast boat:  Lake Norman was carpeted with Common Loons today -
almost all in open water from navigation marker D4 to the dam, in groups of
as many as 30 birds.  Watched one group dive and surface in concert.  Musta'
been a lovely sight underwater if we could have seen the water ballet.  More
than 200 Loons sighted in all today from 1100-1400.  Winds calm to 103 kts,
water glassy smooth, temp = 68 F., absolutely clear, Carolina-blue sky.

Others of special interest:

Horned Grebes = >150 in rafts of as many as 23 birds
Lesser Scaup = 30
Red-breasted Mergansers = 4, in with L. Scaup
American Black Duck = 3
Bonaparte's Gulls = >150 in many small rafts
Forster's Terns = 3
Pied-billed Grebe = 2 (both solitary)
AmCoot = 4
Herring Gull (imm.) = 1

Today was more of the same except subtract Scaups, Mergansers, and Black
Ducks which were not readily in evidence, and add Cedar Waxwings (6) were,
sounding off while in flight.  Water not quite as glassy-smooth this morning
(0800-1100) due to winds a bit more brisk but not anywhere near category 3
like yesterday. <G>

Tom "the Infidel" Lorenzin
Davidson (Lake Norman), NC
SkyTomX@XMindSpring.com or TomLoX@XMicrosoft.com
(remove Xs to use addresses)
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