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Carolina RBA November 10 Update

hotline: Carolina Rare Bird Alert
date: November 10, 1999
number: 704-332-2473
to report: 704-332-2473 or 704-532-6336 or PiephoffT@aol.com
coverage: North and South Carolina
compiler: Taylor Piephoff, Carolina Bird Club

Hello, this is a November 10 update of the Carolina Rare Bird Alert featuring 
birding news from North and South Carolina sponsored by the Carolina Bird 
Club. highlights on this report include :


Almost 300 birders attended the 3rd annual Wings Over Water event on NC's 
Outer Banks Nov. 5-7. As expected, many rarities were found, some of them 
spectacular. On 11-5 an AM. TREE SPARROW was found at South Pond at Pea Is. 
NWR. This bird was later seen 11-6 in the AM but may have departed by that 
afternoon. However it or another AM. TREE SPARROW later was at the Pea Is. 
Visitor Center late in day on 11-8. South Pond is off limits to public entry 
but birders should be closely scrutinizing sparrow flocks anywhere on the 
Banks for this very rare (in NC) species.

An ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHER was seen 11-7 along the entrance road to the Bodie 
Island Lighthouse. Later efforts to relocate this bird were unsuccessful but 
this bird would merit several tries at trying to find it. After turning onto 
the entrance road off of Hwy. 12 stop at the first gated road on the RIGHT. 
Park and walk in past a large green trash receptacle and on to a small cinder 
block builing. The bird was seen hunting in the low trees around this 
building. Interestingly, this is a 2nd report of this species for NC in the 
last two weeks.

A LARK SPARROW was very cooperative at the north dike of North Pond parking 
lot most of the day 11-7.

One and possibly two male EURASIAN WIGEONS can be seen at North Pond at Pea 
Is. NWR. Carefully scan the wigeon flocks there. Often the birds are at the 
north end of the impoundment.

Look for an EARED GREBE at New Field just south of the south dike of North 
Pond. Look from the viewing stands along this dike. Another EARED GREBE was 
present at the Salt Pond at Cape Point on 11-5 but was not seen 11-6.

A 1st winter THAYER'S GULL was reported from the south end of Oregon Inlet on 
11-6. Check the gull flock that hangs out around the rocks along that side of 
the inlet.

SNOW BUNTINGS were seen at two locations over the weekend. 3 birds were on 
the flats at the north side of Oregon Inlet on 11-5 and 3 birds were  at Cape 
Point on 11-6 .

Up to 4 SHORT- EARED OWLS were seen over the Bodie Is. marshes 11-6. Scan 
from the first viewing stand on Hwy. 12 south of the Whalebone Junction 
intersection. The birds appeared precisely at 5:30 PM.

A BRIDLED TERN was observed from shore on 10-31 at Buxton, NC.

An imm. GOLDEN EAGLE was seen near Surf City, NC over the weekend. Call John 
Hammond at 910-326-5374 for details.

At Huntington Beach SP  in SC a HENSLOW'S SPARROW was seen 11-6 in the 
secondary dunes north of the north boardwalk there. Later efforts to find 
this bird were unsuccessful.

Frank Enders reports that he has already banded SAW-WHET OWLS in Halifax co. 
NC this fall. Reports from banding stations to the north suggest a large 
influx of these owls to the south this year. Birders throughout the Carolinas 
 wanting to try to locate a SAW-WHET OWL in their locale can call Frank 
Enders at 252-583-7371 for strategies. Saw-whets are probably more numerous 
in winter in the Carolinas than is generally believed. 

Thanks this week to David Hughes, John Fussell, John Hammond, Jack Peachey, 
John Wright,  Dick Burk, Frank Enders, and Bob Schutsky for their calls and 

Taylor Piephoff
Charlotte, NC