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RE: [Fwd: Birds? What birds?]

I received Paulette's email with an attachment titled the same as her
Subject line.  She mentioned no attachment with her email and I will not
open attachments that are not specifically mentioned in the text.  Please
let me know what this is if anyone knows(I ain't openin' it!). Because
crowded populations usually contain the most virulent diseases(e.g. Honk
Kong Flu Virus), I am cautious of any attachments I receive via list-servs.
I have received emails in the past which only contain an address marker
attached but these are usually obvious(knock on wood). In the future, if you
attach something to your email, please mention it.

Also, a further note about the virus thread of an earlier date. Self
executable viruses are here.  I-Worm.BubbleBoy is executed just by opening
the message. It processes your address book (MS Outlook) and disperses to
all of your contacts. Then, it crashes your hard drive.
Check out: http://www.metro.ch/avpve/

More importantly, I believe Josh's speculation of the lack of irruptives at
feeders is right on.  I saw a flock of a dozen or so Purple Finches feeding
in a sweet gum and sycamore last Tuesday at Schenk Forest. Not a great
sample size but considering I spend about 4 hours a week outside, mostly not
birding, the #/effort could be considered decent.

Kendrick Weeks
Campus Box 7617
Department of Zoology
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7617
kcweeks@unity.ncsu.edu, 919-515-9772

> -----Original Message-----
> From: carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu
> [mailto:carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu]On Behalf Of John P.Biles
> Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 10:43 PM
> To: Carolina Birds Address
> Subject: [Fwd: Birds? What birds?]
> Yes, I am experiencing a "dearth of avian activity at feeders...".  This
> has been on-going for the past 3-4 weeks.  I normally go through 25 lbs
> sunflower seeds a week and replenish the feeders, etc. at least 2 to 3
> times a day.  I miss the activity.  I still have a
> 25 lb bag of sunflower seed that I purchased last week and haven't had
> to open it yet.  Bird activity consists of cardinals,  Carolina
> chickadees, a few house finches, doves,  carolina wrens, thrusher,
> titmouse.  Not the usual heavy feedings I normally have.  Birds are
> scarce.  Highly unusual here to have such a lull.  Hoping it picks up
> soon.
> Paulette Biles
> Hampstead, NC
> jppt441@bellsouth.net