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Re: Purple Finches arrive

Purple finches at my feeders the last two days as well.  As noted in earlier
threads, my feeder population is down quite a bit, but the usual assortment
of Juncos, Titmice, Chickadees, etc. are still around.

Randy Dunson
Hillsborough  NC

----- Original Message -----
From: Randy Emmitt <birdcr@concentric.net>
To: <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 1999 1:55 PM
Subject: Purple Finches arrive

> Folks,
> This morning I had 4 Purple Finches at my feeders! Woods and overgrown
> garden are full of birds gathering seeds here. I also watched a line of
> White-throated Sparrows and Juncos taking turns at bathing in my water
> feature as well.
> And on a butterfly note I had a Variegated Fritillary on some Cosmos
> that was still blooming! This was butterfly #59 for my garden this year!
> --
> Randy Emmitt
> birdcr@concentric.net
> Rougemont,NC
> http://www.naturevision.com
> E mail to info@naturevision.com