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List of rare birds for NC

Hi again,

Just to make birder's lives easier (and avoid real work for a few more 
minutes), I thought I would post a list of all species on the official NC 
list which are listed in some way or other as rare and requiring 
documentation. If other species on the NC list require documentation, 
someone should compose a list of these as well; I notice, for instance, 
that species such as Ruff, Magnificent Frigatebird, Masked and Brown 
Booby, and Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (among many others) have no special 
designation on this list. The complete list, as mentioned previously, is 
available from the CBC website. Enjoy...

Would someone on the committee mind defining for me - on or off the list 
- what "unpublished" and "provisional" mean? I would assume, from prior 
discussions of the topic on this listserv, that "records lacking 
published details" have been accepted by the Committee, but the reporting 
birder needs to submit an account of the sighting to the Chat. 
"Provisional" is the term that the Florida Ornithological Society Records 
Committee uses for species reported in the state sight-only, without 
specimen, photograph, recording, or other physical evidence. They will 
not add a species to the official state list without such evidence (as 
Andreas Kristensen and I discovered after Andreas found a Common Redpoll 
on the Dry Tortugas a couple of years ago). Is this the NC Committee's 
policy as well?

3 accepted records or fewer:
Arctic/Pacific Loon - 1 record
Western Grebe - 3 records
Bermuda Petrel - 1 record with 2 more pending votes
Fea's Petrel - 3 records with 2 accepted as "Soft-plumaged Petrel", 
	others pending votes
Masked Duck - 1 record
White-tailed Kite - 3 records
Northern Lapwing - 1 record
Spotted Redshank - 1 record
Black-tailed Godwit - 2 records
Little Stint - 1 record
Mew Gull - 4 accepted as species, only 1 as a subspecies (European)
Yellow-legged Gull - 1 record, others pending
Band-tailed Pigeon - 2 records
Eurasian Collared-Dove - 1 record, many pending
Smooth-billed Ani - 1 record
Burrowing Owl - 2 records
Antillean Nighthawk - 2 records
Green Violet-Ear - 2 records
Calliope Hummingbird - 2 records
Ivory-billed Woodpecker - 1 record
Say's Phoebe - 3 records
Vermilion Flycatcher - 2 records
Ash-throated Flycatcher - 2 records (not counting the 2 this year)
Fork-tailed Flycatcher - 1 record
Northern Wheatear  - 3 records, 1 pending
Sage Thrasher - 2 records
Bachman's Warbler - 2 records
Black-throated Gray Warbler - 3 records
Townsend's Warbler - 1 record
Kirtland's Warbler - 3 records, plus 2 more which need to be published
Lazuli Bunting - 1 record, another (of 2 birds) pending
Spotted Towhee - 1 record
Smith's Longspur - 3 records
Chesnut-collared Longspur - 1 record

Black-browed Albatross - 1 record
Bulwer's Petrel - 1 record, a second pending vote
Garganey - 1 record
Gyrfalcon - 1 record
Limpkin - 2 records, a third pending
White-winged Tern - 1 record
Black Guillemot - 1 record
Long-billed Murrelet - 1 record
Atlantic Puffin - 2 records
Mountain Bluebird - 1 record
Sprague's Pipit - 1 record, plus one going to outside reciew
Bell's Vireo - 1 record
Western Meadowlark - 2 records
Lesser Goldfinch - 1 record

Records lacking published details:
Snowy Plover - 1 record
Groove-billed Ani - 1 record
Black-chinned Hummingbird - 1 record, 2 others not accepted, others 
Tropical/Couch's Kingbird - 1 record, plus one going to outside review
Cave Swallow - 4 records! (not counting this year's report by an out-of 
	state birder)
Black-backed (White) Wagtail - 1 record

Unresolved Records going to outside review:
Yellow-billed Loon - 1 record
White-chinned Petrel - 1 record
Brown Skua - 1 record
Bicknell's Thrush - 1 record

New species not yet voted on:
Arctic Loon - details not yet submitted!
Swinhoe's Storm-Petrel
Anna's Hummingbird
MacGillivray's Warbler

Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Zoology
