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weekend at HBSP

Hi, We spent a long weekend at HBSP and had some beautiful weather and saw
the same birds as mentioned in previous postings. I will not repeat those
but wanted to say thanks to the birder from Charleston who showed us the
Great Cormorants.  We had scanned the area about an hour earlier and did
not find any.

Friday, we spent most of the day at Brookgreen Gardens - the exhibit by
Grainger McKoy is fantastic.  The birds are so lifelike it is unreal.
However, the real find at the gardens is what I believe to be a
Yellow-throated Vireo.  We were near the alligator exhibit, when a mixed
flock of 'little birds' came through.  They were mostly Myrtles and
titmice, but I saw one bird, partially hidden, with a bright yellow breast.
When it's head came into view, it had bright yellow 'spectacles' that
extended across the top of the beak.  It flew before I could check out wing
bars or other markings.  Isn't it too late for the vireo?  The NG field
guide shows a pine warbler for comparison, but I have never seen a pine
warbler with such pronounced 'spectacles'.  Any thoughts?

George & Judy Halleron
Harbor Island, Beaufort Co. SC