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grassland bird temp jobs

Hi C-birders,

These might interest anyone who is looking for professional bird research 
experience, or just anyone who can spare the time and wants to see some 
grassland birds and their nests...


Subject: Positions Available-Grassland Bird Research
Larry Igl <Larry_Igl@USGS.GOV> 
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 13:16:13 -0700



     Crew leaders (3) and field assistants (6) are needed for a large-scale
     study that will evaluate the effectiveness of Bird Conservation Areas
     (BCAs) as habitat for grassland birds. Work will be conducted in the
     tallgrass prairie region of northwestern Minnesota and southeastern
     North Dakota. We will test whether the type of landscape surrounding
     BCAs (e.g., hay-meadows, agricultural fields, forests, shrublands)
     affects the viability of breeding populations within the grasslands.
     Field work will encompass nest searching and monitoring, behavioral
     observations, and vegetation sampling. Qualified applicants have to be
     in excellent physical condition, and should be able to identify
     grassland birds by sight and sound; need to love the prairie, early
     mornings, long days of intense field work and not mind frequent wet
     feet and mosquitoes; and have the patience to sometimes spend long and
     frustrating periods being taunted by birds that do not want their
     nests found. The ability to work independently is essential. Crew
     leaders also need to have experience with working in groups, and need
     to take responsibility for field work independent of further
     supervision. Field work will start May 15, 1999, and go through July
     31, 1999. We will work in three crews, east of Crookston/MN, east of
     Moorhead/MN, and at Sheyenne National Grassland/ND. Salary is
     $989/month ($1200/month for crew leaders), and shared accommodations
     will be provided.  For further information, please visit:

     In your application, please note experience relevant to the job
     description, stating specifically where this experience was gained and
     the amount of time spent on these activities. Include the names and
     phone numbers of at least 3 references. Send applications as soon as
     possible but no later than March 15 to:

     Maiken Winter
     212 Tareyton Street
     Ithaca, NY 14850
     e-mail: mwinte02@syr.edu


     Crew leader (1) and field assistants (2) are needed for a large-scale
     study that will evaluate the effectiveness of Bird Conservation Areas
     (BCAs) as habitat for grassland birds. Work will be conducted in the
     tallgrass prairie region of northwestern Minnesota. We will test
     whether the type of landscape surrounding BCAs (e.g., hay-meadows,
     agricultural fields, forests, shrublands) affects the viability of
     breeding populations within the grasslands. Field work will encompass
     mist-netting, color marking, resighting of birds, territory mapping,
     and nest searching. We will focus on Bobolinks, Savannah Sparrows, and
     Clay-colored Sparrows. Qualified applicants have to be in excellent
     physical condition, and should have at least 3 months experience of
     mist-netting; need to love the prairie, early mornings, long days of
     intense field work and not mind frequent wet feet and mosquitoes. The
     ability to work independently and responsibly is essential. Field work
     will start May 20, 1999, and go through July 25, 1999.
     Salary is $989/month ($1200/month for crew leader), and shared
     accommodations will be provided.  For further information, please
     visit the web at

     In your application, please note experience relevant to the job
     description, stating specifically where this experience was gained and
     the amount of time spent on these activities. Include the names and
     phone numbers of at least 3 references. Send applications as soon as
     possible but no later than March 15 to:

     Maiken Winter
     212 Tareyton Street
     Ithaca, NY 14850
     e-mail: mwinte02@syr.edu


     In the near future, we anticipate several temporary positions to open
     up at Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center.  Several crew leaders
     and several field assistants are needed for grassland bird studies in
     the Great Plains, including Nebraska, North Dakota, and Minnesota.
     Field work will encompass surveying breeding bird populations
     (including songbirds, waterfowl, shorebirds, and other birds) in
     native and tame grasslands or wooded riparian zones using an
     established monitoring protocol.  Qualified applicants should be able
     to identify birds that breed in the Great Plains by sight and sound,
     be familiar with survey and monitoring techniques, and possess good
     auditory and visual acuity.  Applicants must be in excellent physical
     condition, and possess good communication and organizational skills.
     The ability to work both independently and with others is essential.
     Crew leaders will supervise, organize, and coordinate the activities
     of field crews, including training technician(s) in the correct use of
     field forms and techniques, organizing field equipment, confirming
     quality and accuracy of data, and alerting project leaders to
     procedural, technical, and logistical problems.  Positions typically
     start in late April or mid-May and end in July.  If you would like to
     be notified of these openings, please send a copy of your resume as
     soon as possible to:

     Douglas H. Johnson
     Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
     U.S. Geological Survey
     8711 37th Street SE
     Jamestown, ND  58401
     e-mail: Douglas_H_Johnson@usgs.gov

     In your resume, please note experience relevant to the job
     description, stating specifically where this experience was gained and
     the amount of time spent on these activities.  Include the names and
     phone numbers of at least 3 references.


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Zoology
