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White-winged Crossbills in VA

Carolina birders may be interested that two adult male White-winged
Crossbills are being seen just north of the border in Portsmouth VA
(present daily since Thursday).  I saw the birds today (ask me if I'm
glad I checked the 'net before taking off for the CBBT).  The directions
stipulated that the birds should be observed only from the street, so I
began by figuring out that I could park my car within sight of the
feeders.  I then settled in to wait patiently for the birds to appear.
My patience was tested for at least a full 2 seconds before the first
bird came to the thistle feeder.  The homeowners stopped on their way
out and invited me to come into the yard; later I was joined there by 3
more birders and 2 curious neighbors.  I stayed for over an hour and one
or both of the birds was almost continuously in sight, on the feeders or
in trees in the yard.  What a perfect bird to become my 400th species
for the year (aren't round numbers great?).  Yes, I saw the immature at
Oregon Inlet two years ago but it was nothing compared to these two
beautiful adult males.

For directions, and perhaps updates, check the Virginia birding list, on
the web at http://www-stat.wharton.upenn.edu/~siler/VABD.html

Raleigh NC