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Subscribing Tennessee Bird List

TN-bird is a birding communications network covering the entire state of 
Tennessee where you can:

*  report and receive rare bird sighting information
*  share timely information about bird outings and chapter field trips
*  interact with members of the National Audubon Society, Tennessee
   Ornithological  Society,  and other bird-related organizations.

To subscribe,  send a message to:  LISTSERV@LIST.AUDUBON.ORG;  leave the
subject line blank, and in the body of your message, write:  SUB TN-bird

After subscribing, you will receive a WELCOME message, along with a
command reference guide for your use.

Once you're a member of TN-bird, you can send a message to all
subscribers by sending your message to:  TN-bird@list.audubon.org

The result is a fast and simple way to reach the birding community across
the state with one e-mail message.

We welcome your participation in the network and your involvement in
birding activities in Tennessee.

For more information about Audubon LISTSERV discussion lists,  visit:    

If you have any questions about this mailing list,  please send an e-mail
message to the list owner:
J. Wallace Coffey 
Bristol, Tennessee