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Congaree Swamp

Cindy and I took our annual Christmas Eve hike in Congaree Swamp National 
Monument. Part of our hike took us through the old hunt camp clearing where 
the air quality monitoring station is. We came upon four sparrows and got a 
good look at two of them. One was a Swamp Sparrow; the other we believe was 
a Lincoln's Sparrow. We had very good looks at both. Two years ago, also 
during winter, we saw a sparrow at the same location that we identified as 
a Lincoln's. We had very good looks at it then also. This bird does not 
appear on any Swamp species lists I have seen. So if anyone else is at that 
location in coming weeks, please take few minutes to look for it. 
Confirmation from someone else would be interesting.

Dan Tufford
Columbia, SC
Personal: dtufford@usit.net
Business: dtufford@sph.sc.edu