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Snow Bunting still there

As of 3 pm on Sunday, 26 December, the Snow Bunting reported at Lake Wiley at 
Ebenezer Park (York County, S.C.) is still there. 

As has been pointed out in several recent posts, the key to finding this bird 
is the Killdeer he/she hangs out with. Find the Killdeer and you'll find the 
bird close by. The Killdeer seem to have adopted the bunting. They make sure 
he is close, and when they move, he moves. And, as if on cue, when I got too 
close, the Killdeer flew, and the bunting joined them, to the island a couple 
hundred yards off shore. Scope views were possible when they landed, but not 
as satisfying as when he was on the mainland 25 yards away. 

Also, when he was on shore, he liked to stay in the shadow of the trees. 
While it was a cloudless day, views of the bunting were occasionally 

My views were near the lake below the picnic area parking lot. 

Not a lot of other activity in the Ebenezer Park area. Some species seen 
Eastern Bluebird
Common Loon--1
Bonaparte's Gull
Ring-billed Gull
Herring Gull--1
Double-crested Cormorant--1
Brown-headed Nuthatch
Canada Goose
Northern Cardinal
Downy Woodpecker
Yellow-rumped Warbler
European Starling

No grebes or ducks were seen.

A map and good instructions for finding the location can be found in Robin 
Carter's Finding Birds in South Carolina, page 221. If you don't have that 
book, e-mail me privately and I will send some directional information.