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Short-eared Owls

Hi Everybody,
Hooper Lane, Hendersonville, once again lived up to its reputation for
rarities Friday.  I started out combing the fields other than the prime
target area due to the presence of SuperSod work crews.  I was also looking
for Lapland Longspurs (nothing but Pipits).  The work crews left about 11:30
and I started working the ditch line coming back towards Hooper Lane that is
beside the Allied trailer.   Sure enough, about halfway back I flushed a
Short-eared Owl.  When it flushed it was just a few feet in front of me
allowing great looks at both top and underneath wing patterns.  It landing
in the field a short distance away allowing excellent scope views.  It was a
bit nervous and ended up moving a bit farther away.  About this time Wayne
Forsythe and Marilyn Westphal were walking up the same ditch line from
Hooper Lane and flushed a 2nd Short-eared Owl.  All got good looks.  Latter
while combing another area hoping for Lapland, Wayne and I noticed a
Short-eared Owl harassing several crows.  It ended up about a thousand feet
up and doing a bit of soaring before drifting back towards the original area
seen.  It was very strange to see an Owl soaring in bright sunlight.
Great ending on my best birding year ever.
Stephen Harris
Charlotte, NC