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Boy, I leave town for just two weeks...

Hi Carolinabirders; Happy New Year!

So I was catching up on what I missed via Matt Pardo's archive and saw 
mention of this alleged murrelet in South Carolina. The bird was reported 
on the 23rd, then two people report not seeing it on the 24th. Is that 
all? Did anyone look for it after the 24th? This is an awfully rare bird 
to give up on it so easily... How about those Jordan Lake Red Crossbills? 
Anyone tried looking for them lately?

For those folks inlcined to chase out-of-state reports, there was a 
Northern Lapwing at Bombay Hook NWR in Delaware as recently as the First 
of the year. It has not been seen the last couple of days. A Townsend's 
Warbler was also seen on the first on the Eastern Shore in Virginia. And 
for the forward-thinking people who wrote away and got permits to bird on 
the CBBT islands, the Black-tailed Gull is back again, and a Yellow- 
legged Gull has been reported as well.

As for me, I was lazying around in bed with the windows open this 
morning, and heard a loud, ringing "chit-chit! Chit-chit! chit-chit!" I 
poked my head up and scanned the adjacent ground and shrubs, no sign of 
movement. Then, suddenly, just six inches and one window screen away from 
the tip of my nose, there it is, perched on the windowsill: a Winter Wren! 
Can't get much closer than that without being perched on!

I spent my holidays with a fun-filled tour starting in Guadeloupe in the 
Lesser Antilles, then driving up Florida, returning to the Carolinas at 
Savannah River NWR, then spending a couple of days on the shores of Lake 
Murray. I'll post a complete trip report soon, too busy now...

Good birding!


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Zoology
