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Red Xbills still off Rea Ridge Road

Tuesday, 1/11/2000

Today at 1130 Ruth and I started checking the path off Pea Ridge road for the 
Red Crossbills.  At noon we were joined by Sandy Cash and his
father, Hartzell, and Judy Murray.  The wind was well above 15 mph with
higher gusts which made the birding difficult.  Sandy and Hartzell left
at 1245 but at 1300 Judy and I saw a small flock of small birds but were
not able to identify them or to locate again.  Judy had to leave but before
she got to her truck, Ruth and I located at least 7 of the Red Crossbills.
They were in two pine trees at the bottom of the path just after it
makes the first right turn.  We had a scope and with Judy were 
able to watch these 7 or so for almost 15 minutes.  Five of them dropped 
down out of the pine (and wind) and sat in a small tree with no 
leaves during most of this time. The sun was just right and we were 
able to look at one of the young males (more orange than red) for 
over 5 minutes at 40X --- couldn't have been better.

At 1325 they dropped down to a small pond in the path and finally
flew east over Pea Ridge road.

	Russell and Ruth Roberson
	Durham NC