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Fishing Creek Lake Murrelet

Bob & Barbara Maxwell relocated the Murrelet this morning, at app the same 
spot that it was seen yesterday. They have asked to post this notice. With 
good views from shore and a 60x scope, they could determine that it had no 
part of collar around the back of the neck. After about an hour of trying, 
they located a person with a boat, who, for a fee, took them out towards the 
bird, using a trolling motor to approach the area, By this time the bird had 
disappeared, about 2 hours after it was first seen,  and could not be 
relocated even after an hour + of trolling, However, the field marks are 
still consistent for a Long-billed Murrelet., and they are confident it is 
still on the lake. Of interest, the Horned Grebes with which it was 
associated on the 7th, and the 10th, were not in evidence.
Pete Worthington, Simpsonville, SC, <bpworthing@aol.com