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Falls Lake CBC


Well the results are in, the second Falls Lake CBC tallied 86 species (down
4 from last year) and 10,870 individuals (down 12,000! mostly due to gull
and robin numbers).

Irruption birds included two seperate reports of red-breasted nutchatch, an
amazing flock of 21 evening grosbeaks and 154 cedar waxwings.  A single pine
siskin was also present.

Two seperate sightings of Greater Black backed Gulls(13 last year), one
below the dam, another in Beaverdam Reservoir.  A total of 12 fish crow were
reported from Durant Landfill, and the nearby nature park (count first). 
Other good finds were four American Wigeon, 4 Northern Pintail, a single
male Common Yellowthroat and a single Savannah Sparrow.  Five bald eagles
were sighted (0 last year).

Only 5,571 Ring-billed gulls were reported (10,616 last year), and Robin
numbers dropped from 6,521 to 70! (no roost found this year).  two vulture
roosts helped tally 180 Turkey and 118 Black.(up from 5 TV and 9 BV last

Some count day misses but were seen in count week were: Common Loon (?) and
Northern Harrier.  Other unfortunate misses were Palm Warbler, Blue-headed
Vireo, Green Winged Teal, Lesser Scaup, Lesser Black backed gull, Snipe and

Next year lets go for 100 species!!

Brian Bockhahn
Falls Lake State Park Ranger
Falls Lake CBC Compiler
13304 Creedmoor Road
Wake Forest, NC 27587

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