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Distribution of Finches: Male vs Female


There have been a number of messages recently RE: Purple Finches.
Ruth and I have noted that for the last two weeks we have the following
distribution of finches at out feeder in west Durham.  

Female and young Purple Finches		45%
Male House Finches			35%
Male Purple Finches			10%
Female House Finches			10%

These numbers are not exact but are only to give an idea of the distribution.

Why so few female  House Finches?  I am home recovering from a version
of the flu and I watched all day and only saw 3 female house finches
while seeing 3 male Purple Finches. Is it simply that the small 
flock that visits our feeder is divided this way?  Or does one
see migration patterns that differ for males and females.

	Russell and Ruth Roberson
	Durham CNC