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transmission towers and lines

There was a posting last week asking for information on bird
mortality and other issues with birds and power transmission towers and
lines.  Here are a few citations to both scholarly and local works and
some theses and other things dealing with topic.  Could the person who
posted the request be sure it is transmitted to whomever needed the
information?  Thanks.  Since this listserv does not permit attachments I
have put the listing in the body of the message.  I will be glad to send
an attachment if you contact me directly.
Diane McKenzie

Effects of Power Transmission Towers and Lines on Birds
January 2000

Alonso JC, Alonso JA, Munozpulido R.  Mitigation Of Bird Collisions With
Transmission-Lines Through Groundwire Marking. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION 
67: (2) 129-134 1994

Avery, Michael Lindsay: Investigations of bird migration and mortality
at the Omega Navigation station, Lamoure, North  Dakota 
     YEAR: 1974  Thesis (M.S.)--North Dakota State University, 1974

Avery, Michael L.  Avian mortality at man-made structures :  an
annotated bibliography (revised)  [Washington, D.C.] : Fish and Wildlife
Service, U.S. Dept. 
of the Interior : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt.  Print.
Off., 1980

Baines D, Summers RW.  Assessment of bird collisions with deer fences in
Scottish forests. J APPL ECOL 34: (4) 941-948 AUG 1997

Ballasus H, Sossinka R. The impact of power lines on field selection and
grazing intensity of wintering White-fronted- and  Bean Geese Anser
albifrons, A-fabalis
J ORNITHOL 138: (2) 215-228 APR 1997

Bayle, P  Preventing birds of prey problems at transmission lines in
western Europe.  J RAPTOR RES, 33: (1) 43-48 MAR 1999

Bevanger, K. Three questions on energy transmission and avian mortality.
 FAUNA NORV., SER. C, 1994, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 107-114

Bevanger Kjetil. Bird interactions with utility structures: Collision
and electrocution, causes and mitigating measures. IBIS 136(4). 1994.

Bevanger K. Estimates and population consequences of tetraonid mortality
caused by collisions with high tension power lines in Norway J APPL ECOL
32: (4) 745-753 NOV 1995

Bevanger, K. Biological and conservation aspects of bird mortality
caused by electricity power lines: a review.  BIOL CONSERV, 86: (1)
67-76 OCT 1998

Bevanger K. Topographic Aspects Of Transmission Wire Collision Hazards
To Game Birds In The Central Norwegian Coniferous Forest.

Brown WM, Drewien RC.   Evaluation Of 2 Power-Line Markers To Reduce
Crane And Waterfowl Collision Mortality. WILDLIFE SOCIETY BULLETIN  23:
(2) 217-227 SUM 1995

Brown C J. Lawson J L. Birds And Electricity Transmission Lines In
South West Africa-Namibia. MADOQUA 16 (1). 1989. 59-68.

Clark, Arthur R.,  Avian mortality at three western New York  television
1973     Thesis (M.A.)--State University College at Buffalo.

Cohrs, Doris.  Migrating birds killed at TV tower at  Jekyll Island,  
Oriole. 56(4). 1991 (1994). 82-83.

Communications towers pose threat to birds  CHEM ENG NEWS 77: (42) 88-88
OCT 18 1999

Cooper, BA; Day, RH.  Summer behavior and mortality of Dark-rumped
Petrels and Newell's Shearwaters at power lines on Kauai. COLONIAL
WATERBIRD, 21: (1) 11-19 1998

Crawford, Robert L. Bird casualties at a Leon County, Florida TV tower :
no. 22. July 1981.

Crivelli AJ, Jerrentrup H, Mitchev T.  Electric-Power Lines - A Cause Of
Mortality In Pelecanus-Crispus Bruch, A World Endangered Bird Species,
In Porto-Lago, Greece  COLONIAL WATERBIRDS   11: (2) 301-305 1988

Faanes C A. Bird Behavior And Mortality In Relation To Power Lines In
Prairie Habitats. U S Fish & Wildlife Service Fish & Wildlife Technical
Report (7). 1987.I-Ii, 1-24

Ferrer M, Delariva M, Castroviejo J.Electrocution Of Raptors On
Power-Lines In Southwestern Spain.  JOURNAL OF FIELD
ORNITHOLOGY                             62: (2) 181-190 SPR 1991

Ferrer M, Hiraldo F Man-Induced Sex-Biased Mortality In The Spanish
Imperial Eagle BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION   60: (1) 57-60 1992.  

Fredrickson L H. Bird Response To Transmission Lines At A Mississippi
SCIENCE 17 1983.
Goulty. Charles A. Birds and power lines : a bibliography / 
Chicago, Ill. : Council of Planning Librarians, [1988]

Gretz, Darrell I.  Power line entanglement hazard to raptors. U.S. Fish
and Wildlife  Service. Denver, CO: 1981  (9 p. )                )

Henderson IG, Langston RHW, Clark NA.  The response of common terns
Sterna hirundo to power lines: An assessment of risk in relation to
breeding commitment, age and wind speed  BIOL CONSERV 77: (2-3) 185-192

Hoving E J. Sealy S G. Species And Age Composition Of A Sample Of Birds
Killed In Fall 1979 At A Manitoba Canada Tv Tower. PRAIRIE NATURALIST 19
(2).1987. 129-134.

Impacts of transmission lines on birds in flight :  proceedings of a
conference, January 31-February 2, 1978, Oak Ridge Associated
Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennessee / sponsored by the Fish and Wildlife
Service, U.S.                     Department of the Interior.  [Oak
Ridge, Tenn.] : Oak Ridge Associated Universities ;[Springfield, Va. :
available from the National Technical                      Information
Service, U.S. Dept. of Commerce], 1978.

Janss Guyonne F E [a]. Lazo Alfonso. Ferrer Miguel. Use of raptor models
to reduce avian collisions with powerlines. Journal of Raptor Research.
33(2). June, 1999. 154-159.

Janss GFE, Ferrer M.  Mitigation of raptor electrocution on steel power
WILDLIFE SOC B 27: (2) 263-273 SUM 1999

Janss GFE, Ferrer M.  Rate of bird collision with power lines: Effects
of conductor-marking and static wire-marking  J FIELD ORNITHOL 69: (1)
8-17 WIN 1998

Janss, GFE; Ferrer, M. Rate of bird collision with power lines: Effects
of conductor-marking and static wire-marking  J FIELD ORNITHOL, 69: (1)
8-17 WIN 1998

Kruse, Kimberly.  A study of the effects of transmission  towers on
migrating birds 
1996 "A thesis submitted in partial            fulfillment of the
requirements for the Degree of Master of   Science in Environmental
Science and Policy."           Thesis (M.S.)--University of
Wisconsin-Green Bay, 1996.

Ledger JA, Annegarn HJ. Electrocution Hazards To The Cape Vulture
Gyps-Coprotheres In South-Africa  BIOLOGICAL
CONSERVATION                                 20: (1) 15-24 1981

Ledger JA, Hobbs JCA  Raptor use and abuse of powerlines in southern
J RAPTOR RES 33: (1) 49-52 MAR 1999

Mathiasson S. Mute Swans, Cygnus-Olor, Killed From Collision With
Electrical Wires, A Study Of 2 Situations In Sweden  ENVIRONMENTAL
80: (3) 239-246 1993

McNeil R, Rodriguez Jr, Ouellet H. Bird Mortality At A Power
Transmission-Line In Northeastern Venezuela BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION  
31: (2) 153-165 1985
Miquet A Mortality In Black Grouse Tetrao-Tetrix Due To Elevated Cables
BIOL CONSERV 54: (4) 349-355 1990

Morkill Ae, Anderson Sh Effectiveness Of Marking Powerlines To Reduce
Sandhill Crane Collisions WILDLIFE SOCIETY BULLETIN  19: (4) 442-449 WIN
1991  (great name for this research)                             
Negro Jj, Ferrer M   Mitigating Measures To Reduce Electrocution Of
Birds On
 Power-Lines - A Comment On Bevangers Review.    IBIS 137: (3) 423-424
JUL 1995

Ouweneel G L. Great Skua Stercorarius-Skua Feeding On Victims From Power
Transmission Lines. [Netherlandish] LIMOSA 60 (1). 1987. 42.

Roberts Richard E [a]. Tamborski Cary V. Blackpoll warbler mortality
during fall
migration at a tower in southeastern Florida. FLORIDA FIELD NATURALIST.
21(4). 1993. 118-120.

Rusz PJ Prince HH, Rusz RD, Dawson GA.  Bird Collisions With
Transmission-Lines Near A Power-Plant Cooling Pond WILDLIFE SOCIETY
14: (4) 441-444 WIN 1986

Savereno, AJ; Savereno, LA; Boettcher, R, et al. Avian behavior and
mortality at power lines in coastal South Carolina  WILDLIFE SOC BULL,
24: (4) 636-648 WIN 1996

Summers RW.  The lengths of fences in Highland woods: the measure of a
collision hazard to woodland birds.  FORESTRY 71: (1) 73-76 1998

Weir, Ron D.: Annotated bibliography of bird kills at man-made obstacles
:           a review of the state of the art and solutions  Ottawa :
Canadian Wildlife Service, Ontario Region, 1977