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Common goldeneyes

On Sunday (Jan 16) at least 12 common goldeneyes were spotted with a scope
at Duncan's Landing at low tide at about 10:15 am.  It was a windy day.  I
saw them by walking left through the marsh to the point.  See this week's
Rare Bird Alert for directions.  There was also a raft of about 50
green-winged teal and a couple of red-breasted mergansers.  To the right of
Duncan's Landing, about 6 mature and immature ibises were feeding.  An
avocet was among them and another avocet was seen straight across from the

Closer to home (Northern Chatham County) I saw the Pacific-slope flycatcher
twice on Monday (Jan. 17) at 10:45 am and at 1:45 pm, each time teased out
of the thicket by tapes.  In between those viewings and after 3 previous
attempts, I and another 5-6 parties saw the red crossbills at Pea Ridge

Yesterday, the snow brought at least 30 goldfinches and 30 purple finches, a
couple of fox sparrows, pine warblers and at least 2 pine siskins (not seen
since 1998).  I usually have several white-breasted nuthatches, but they
didn't appear until late afternoon when the finches were fewer.  Hopefully,
the evening grosbeaks will appear tomorrow

Patsy Bailey