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Hummers and owls

We had quite an interesting weekend between the birds and the weather.  We
started off from Charlotte Saturday morning to visit the Webb residence in Greer
for a peek at the Calliope Hummingbird.  The weather forecast indicated light
snow beginning around 8pm.  Our visit was successful with fabulous looks at the
Calliope feeding and perched in a Myrtle and Juniper.  This bird certainly
picked the right yard in which to winter.  Warm food is placed in the feeder
each morning.  A thermometer on the feeder lets one know if the temp is dropping
to low, and a heat lamp is attached to the shepherd's hook to provide warmth.
What more could a hummer ask?  Warm, fresh food and a heated "room".

We were visitors number 82 and 83 if I remember correctly.  We enjoyed meeting
the Webbs and were sent home with a beautiful photo of the bird feeding.  The
weather forecast still indicated snow moving in beginning in the evening.

We decided to drive a short distance north and look for the Short Eared Owl at
Hooper Lane in Hendersonville as well as visit some relatives.
By the time we reached the NC line there it was snowing heavily, cars were
slipping off the road, and accumulation was visible on every surface.  It is now
11:30am.  We made it in H'ville and the grandparents house.  Surprise, visitors
spending the night!

We found a window in the snow and drove out to Hooper Lane.  The Camry did quite
well on the dirt road in 2 1/2 inches of snow.  We parked at the Allied van gate
and walked the ditch 2/3's of the way to the river before crossing to the tool
shed ditch.  We finally saw the owl take flight and circle around before setting
down.  Great views of this impressive bird.  Before we left we also spotted an
accipiter, a Harrier, and a Peregrine Falcon.

We awoke Sunday to 6 inches of snow.  The intestates are back open so we figure
we should give heading home a try.
Stopping in Chapel Hill we stop by the Driscoll residence and are invited to
watch for the Rufous from the dry comfort of the front porch.  I know Tom
probably thought we were a pair of idiots to show up in freezing rain, but we
didn't have to wait long to see the bird.  The low temps did not seem to be
causing her much of a problem.
From Tom's we stopped by the quad at UNC and saw both of the Barred Owls
roosting in a Holly tree.  2 hummers and 3 owls, not a bad weekend!

Steve Shultz
Cary, NC
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