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Rusty or Brewer's?

Out here near the Haw River, we got our power back
yesterday. Thank God! It was cold!!
But Oh, the birds! So incredible these last few days!
The white-throated, and fox sparrows, juncos, doves
and cardinals stay all day on the ground where I dump
a millet/sunflower mix. On the feeders are chickadees,
titmice,siskins, gold and purple finches eating
sunflower hearts and thistle. The peanut butter log,
bluebird treat and suet are hosting bluejays, pine
warblers, Carolina wrens, w-b nuthatch, and Hermie the
hermit thrush. Today we had our first Yellow-rump come
to the peanut butter log and yesterday and today, an
odd blackbird on the ground(It is almost black,just
slight brown above his eyes like a brown brow,slightly
glossy with a yellow eye-looks more like a Brewer's
than a Rusty) He is eating the millet mix.
I know a Rusty would be more likely, but is a Brewer's
possible??First time ever. We never even get grackles
here. Only occassional crows.
Also a red-shouldered came in and ate something, I am
assuming a bird. when we looked up it was right at eye
level with its back to us obviously pulling and
munching about 50 feet away on a branch(we were on 2nd
floor)The birds were gone from the yard, where
previously there had been appx. 100 on ground and on
feeders. Will they eat birds if hungry enough? There
aren't too many snakes and frogs out now.
On a walk in our neighborhood yesterday, saw a male
bluebird(just can't attract them to all my goodies
because we are so deep in woods I guess) a song
sparrow, and a phoebe. Made me think of our visiting
flycathcer. If the phoebe is still alive, maybe so the
flycatcher.  Kate
--- outdoorbird <outdoorbird@mindspring.com> wrote:
> While hoping to see Evening Grosbeaks perhaps make a
> trip to the area, we have hosting a large flock of
> Red Wing Blackbirds. While not uncommon, I can think
> of only seeing them twice on our property in the
> last ten years. Also having some Fox Sparrows along
> with the regular Pine Siskins Bluebirds etc.
> Pond at Durant Nature Park has a lot of Ring Neck's
> Ted Zoller
> Raleigh

Kate Finlayson
N. Chatham Co.,N.C.
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