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Well we made it through the week end with no frost bite to anyone. It
really was not so cold as it was wet. We did not have ice just light to
heavy rain.
In spite of all that we still had a total of 132 birds for the week end.
 we ended up with around 65 birders total on Fri. night, several left on
Sat. morning to get home ahead of the upstate weather.We had to combine a
few trips because some leaders were not able to get there, From NC. and the
upstate I could understand it, but not from Charleston! Jim Elliott and
John Cely gave a great program on the Swallow Tail Kite. The putting on of
transmitters here and where they spend the winter in Brazil was of interest
to all.I sure hope the weather in NC. is improving by now.I want you to
know you were missed and I hope there is nothing in the weather to
interfere with the April meeting.See you all there.
											VAN ATKINS

Charleston, SC