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Indulged Birds

Hi everyone, sorry this is a little late.

I woke up on Tuesday the 25th to about 8 inches of snow on the ground, and still falling at near white-out levels. We topped off at 14 inches in my neighborhood in Raleigh.

The first thing I did was made sure my office was closed. Yes it was. :-)

Next I grabbed seed and suet and went out to take care of the very confused birds that frequent the yard. I filled both seed feeders, put a fresh cake of suet in the cage outside the window, and broke a second one up on the sill. I put warm water in the birdbath and chopped up an apple for the fruit eaters. 

The most frequent visits were from a Ruby-Crowned kinglet, who had absolutely no fear of me whatsoever, even refusing to move once when I tried to refill the suet cage. A trio of Caroilina wrens were constantly fighting for a turn at the suet as well, and taking turns chasing each other through the gaps between my planters. I wished I'd had film in my camera when a fat little wren had himself parked on the brick wall under the sheltering edge of the planters. He was so fluffed up from the cold, he looked like a tennis ball.

Downy visited the suet cage without fear, but Red Bellied was more timid, flying away when I passed too close to the window. Had my first Brown Thrasher in the yard during the storm as well, picking up bits of suet from the window sill. They really do look like miniature Road Runners, especially up close. Beautiful pale eyes that I never really noticed before.

Had two (possible) male Purple finches at the seed feeder. I have trouble telling them from House finches unless I see the two together to compare. But these birds seemed much larger and more colorful than the House Finches.

I haven't seen a single squirrel since the snow came down. They don't bother my feeders anyway, because I use safflower seed and jalapeno suet. But they are usually in the yard somewhere.

Ah well. Back to work. I promise never to say I miss snow again. <g>

Lisa G.
Raleigh, NC