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Carolinabirds commands and rules

Because there have been some unsub messages and off-topic posts recently, 
here's a reminder of the commands and rules for Carolinabirds.

On 31 Jan 00, at 15:35, David R. Hultgren wrote:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> ------=_NextPart_000_0027_01BF6C00.C08C8E60
> Content-Type: text/plain;
> 	charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> unsubscribe carolinabirds
> ------=_NextPart_000_0027_01BF6C00.C08C8E60
> Content-Type: text/html;

Html-encrusted messages and other messages with attachments are not 
recognized by the majordomo program because they always begin with the line 
"This is a multi-part message in MIME format.", which means nothing to the 
program.  Most unsub messages to carolinabirds are filtered out, but the 
program only searches the first few lines, so it didn't catch this one.  
"Cancel" is not one of the keywords, which is why that one slipped through.  
Unfortunately it seems to be the default format for Microsoft Outlook 
Express, which a lot of people use because it came with their computer.  
Much better e-mail programs are available on the web for free, such as the 
one I use, Pegasus Mail (http://www.pegasus.usa.com/)

If you've lost your copy of the carolinabirds info file, you can always look 
it up on the web at http://www.duke.edu/~cwcook/cbirds.html  


Messages and commands must be in plain text (ASCII) only. 
Do not send any e-mail attachments.  

Before sending any message or command, please make two changes
to your e-mail program setup (if necessary):
- turn OFF html and rich text formatting
- turn ON word-wrap

To UNSUBSCRIBE: Send message text "unsubscribe carolinabirds" (without the 
quotes) to majordomo@duke.edu.  

To SUBSCRIBE: Send message text "subscribe carolinabirds" (without the 
quotes) to majordomo@duke.edu. You will receive an automated confirmation, 
which includes this info file (save it!).  

For a list of other commands, send message text "help" (without the quotes) 
to majordomo@duke.edu.  

Do NOT send commands to carolinabirds@duke.edu. Mail sent to 
carolinabirds@duke.edu is automatically redirected to each person on the 
list by the Majordomo mailing list server (about 400 people), so be careful 
of what you send!   

POSTING RULES: If you wish to post messages to Carolinabirds, please observe 
these rules:   

1.Only post messages that are relevant to birds and birding in the 

2.Include a descriptive Subject: line.  

3.Put your name and location in each message you send to the list, so people 
will know who you are and where you're from. It's also a good idea to 
include your e-mail address at the end of each message, along with your name 
and location - this is required for messages to Birdchat. Most mailing 
programs allow you to create a "signature" file, which is appended to all 
outgoing messages, so you won't have to retype it each time.  

4.Do not send junk mail to the list. But if, for example, you've just 
written a book "Finding Birds in the NC Piedmont" or are running pelagic 
trips, you're welcome to make announcements.  

5.Do not send binary files to the list.  

6.Messages must be sent in plain text (ASCII) only, with no attachments.  
Turn OFF html and rich text formatting and turn ON word-wrap in your e-mail 
program setup (if necessary).  Reason: html and rtf formatted messages can 
not be read by majordomo (so commands will not work) and many of the people 
on Carolinabirds (who use older e-mail programs).  E-mail attachments are 
usually unnecessarily long and are good ways to spread viruses and worms.  
Messages without word-wrap are very difficult for many people to read.  

I hope we can avoid discussing things like cats, politics, and general 
conservation issues that tend to dominate Birdchat at times. While these are 
important topics, there are many newsgroups and other forums where these can 
be discussed.  

To post a message, address it to carolinabirds@duke.edu. The message will be 
automatically redirected to each person on the list by the Majordomo mailing 
list server. When replying to a message, please try to quote the minimum 
amount of the message being replied to. For example, if you have a minor 
point about one word in a 100-line message, don't quote the entire 100-line 
message in your reply before adding your 1-line point, just quote the 
minimum necessary to provide context.  

If you have trouble getting on or off this list or other questions, send e-
mail to carolinabirds-owner@duke.edu explaining the problem.  

Charles W. "Will" Cook                w 919-660-7423
cwcook@duke.edu                       h 919-967-5446
Duke University Botany Dept., Durham, North Carolina