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Chapel Hill Hummer #2

Good Morning!

Yesterday morning at 7:15 AM I caught and banded the Driscoll's second
winter hummer: an adult female Rufous. She was very feisty and a beautiful
little bird.  The juvenile male that I had previously banded (my first in
NC) was still in the yard but avoided my trap like the plague.  I had hoped
to recapture him to check his weight and get more photos (he actually looks
like a male now; he had only hints of a gorget and a few rufous back
feathers on Nov. 30).  However, his memory of the first banding experience
proved to be too good.

Anyone who is on the area should visit the Driscoll's yard.  The hummers
are wonderful but so are their other yard birds.  They have quite the
feeder set-up and regularly attract Brown Creeper, Red-breasted Nuthatch,
Eastern Bluebird, Brown Thrasher, Fox Sparrow and the other NC winter
regulars in good numbers.

Thanks to Tom and Barbara for their willingness to share their birds with
all and in particular, the opportunity to band their hummingbirds!

Susan M. Campbell
Whispering Pines, NC
