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Carolinas & Great Backyard Bird Count

Greetings, Carolinabirders-

As many of you know, the Great Backyard Bird Count is coming up February
18-21, and we're hoping all you Carolina birders will participate. The
Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Audubon asks everyone in NA to
count the highest numbers of each species you see at one time at your
backyard bird feeder, local park or wildlife refuge, schoolyards, etc. This
is an Internet-based count so reports are sent to www.birdsource.org, where
you'll be able to "watch" as reports roll in from across the continent.
There's information about how to participate, last year's results, and more
at the site. We're paying special attention to Bald Eagles (given the
proposed de-listing) and are asking you to measure snow-depth in your area
(we're looking for correlations between snow-depth and
presence/absence/abundance of different species). That is, if you in fact
still have snow...

If there's anything you can do to help us spread the word about the count,
we would appreciate it. Many of you sent our press release to your local
paper and lent me your contact info, should journalists call looking for a
local angle. If any of you can do this again, please e-mail me privately
(you can print the press release off the Lab's web site at
http://birds.cornell.edu, but I'd appreciate knowing of your efforts on our
behalf!) For those without web access, e-mail me privately. We have
materials we'd be happy to send you. 

As for Carolina results from last year, North Carolina weighed in with 1139
reports, with top-reporting cities being 
CHARLOTTE 90, WILMINGTON 88, RALEIGH 85. South Carolina had 593, with
highest-reporting cities being COLUMBIA 111,                         HILTON
HEAD ISLAND 86, SPARTANBURG 33. Species maps for the Carolinas are
available at the web site.

Please join us this year!

Allison Wells
Cornell Lab of Ornithology & BirdSource
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850