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Visitor from England to North Carolina

I sent the posting below to rec.birds, and someone suggested that I post
it to your group. 


My wife and I are visiting our Son who is working in Charlotte NC, on
the 17 February for just over two weeks.  Would any one have a minute to
tell us what we might see at this time of year, and where would the best
places to visit.  We are quite experienced with birds on this side of
the Atlantic, but have no knowledge of your birds.  We have bought the
National Geographic Field Guide on advice from our bird group, and it
seems from the status maps that we are not coming at the best time of
the year, but that may be an advantage because most of the things we see
will be new to us.   

We would obviously also like to see the sights of the area, so any
advice on what not to miss, or a web site for us to look ourselves,
would also be much appreciated.   

Thanks you, 


Our son is working in Charlotte for three months only and initially we
were disappointed that we were visiting you at this time of the year,
but now that we have had some replies to the posting on rec.birds we are
both getting very excited.  

Chris Potts