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Carolinabirds on the web - another site

Don Crockett's "The Virtual Birder" site ( http://www.virtualbirder.com/ ) is 
now carrying Carolinabirds (and a bunch of other e-mail groups) in its B-Mail 
section ( http://www.virtualbirder.com/bmail/index.html ).  The direct link 
for Carolinabirds is:


I've added a link in the Carolinabirds info file (e-mail and web versions) 
and my home page.  If you want to bookmark the page, you have to enter it 
manually, since as soon as you land there the URL switches to today's 
where yyyy is the year, mm the month, and dd the day.

This site is different from the others in that you view one day's worth of 
messages at a time.  You can also click on a calendar to select the month and 
date.  For each date the number of messages and size in kb is reported.  It's 
a great new resource!

Note that only subscribers can automatically post on Carolinabirds.  I 
forward most non-subscriber messages to the list, but they create a lot of 
extra work for me.  So, if you wish to post messages on Carolinabirds, I 
request that you subscribe.

Charles W. "Will" Cook                w 919-660-7423
cwcook@duke.edu                 h 919-967-5446
Duke University Botany Dept., Durham, North Carolina