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Towhee on the tube

Hi there!

I saw something yesterday that I have never seen before; A female Eastern Towhee on a tube feeder. I set up the feeder at the office a few weeks ago, and have been treated to lots of WT Sparrows, House Finches, Chickadees, Juncos, Cardinals, Tufted TMs, and Towhees. 

Up until yesterday, the WT Sparrows, Cardinals and Towhees always fed on the ground under the feeder. But a determined female Towhee decided she wasn't going to wait for any more seeds to be knocked down, and managed somehow to balance on the tiny perch, where she sat and ate for a good couple of minutes. 

A female House Finch on the opposite perch kept leaning around the tube to investigate the Towhee, as if trying to figure out what she was doing there. "Hey, aren't you supposed to be on the ground?"

I've been meaning to get out and buy a tray to put on the bottom of the feeder, but hadn't yet had a chance. I also need to get a suet cage, since I have been hearing White Breasted and Brown Headed NHs in the area, but haven't lured any in with my black oil sunflower seed yet.

The rest of the office staff are really enjoying the birds, and I'm having fun answering the same questions I used to ask. :-)

Bring on the warblers!

Lisa G.
Raleigh, NC