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Bird count going on now

Greetings, Carolinabirders-

Today is the first day of the Great Backyard Bird Count (February 18-21),
and reports rushing in. As of 5pm we're approaching 2600 checklists. If
you've submitted your observations, thank you. We hope you'll continue to
throughout the count. If you haven't, we hope you will. Your data will be
used to create a "snapshot" of late-winter bird distributions across the
continent, which will be combined with our other projects such as Christmas
Bird Count and Project FeederWatch. This will allow us to look for changes
in distribution and abundance of North American birds. Results from
sightings made across North America are currently being mapped; you can
already see how your reports are fitting into the continent-wide perspective. 

Right now, NC is #7 in number of checklists submitted, with 113. SC is 6th
in number of species with 77, and NC is 9th with 76. You can find this is
and other fun lists at the site right now, as well as distribution and
abundance maps based on reports.

Please spend a little time counting the birds you see in your yard, parks,
wildlife refuges, or other areas and put them into our database at
www.birdsource.org. Instructions are at the site. This is FREE, and there's
no registration. We'd appreciate it if you would pass this information on
to anyone else that you think might be interested. 

Individuals and groups who do not have computer access can still
participate. Contact us here at the Lab for more information, at

Best in birding,

Allison Wells
Communications and Public Outreach Director
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850