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Birds along the Buckeye Trail

On Saturday I led the Wake Audubon Bagels & Birdwalk along Raleigh's
Buckeye Greenway (corner of Crabtree Blvd and Raleigh Blvd, just east of
Capital Blvd.).
Red-shouldered Hawks are using the same nest as last year, one easily
visible from the sidewalk looking north along Crabtree Blvd from the
Greenway parking. Watch for the hawks flying to and from a large
sycamore. There are also Pileated Woodpeckers in courtship and
excavating cavity starts (I counted at least 5) across Crabtree Creek
near the Greenway trailhead at Raleigh Blvd. The Pileateds seem rather
unconcerned about birders, as we got some great looks for 20 minutes.
Wood Ducks are also to be seen...we watched a pair as the hen appeared
interested in some tree cavities, in the same tree as the Pileateds.
We'll be leading another trip on the site at 8:30 am on Saturday, April

Raleigh, NC
