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A very belated report (fwd)

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Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000 13:33:41 -0500
From: edabbs@FTC-I.net
Subject: A very belated report

Hi, all,

For some unknown reason, when attempting to send the GBBC, each time I
clicked the "submit" button after filling out the form,  Netscape would
throw up the yellow flag and say the program had to be closed and all would
be lost.. After 3 attempts that failed; I gave up.  ......I did, although
have some good birds to report. A friend in Sumter gave me her list to add,
which had 20-25 Baltimore Orioles each 30-minute morning count; along with
many other species Smitty Mallard has had large numbers of baltimore orioles
each winter for many years.
In our yard, we had 25-30 (it was impossible to get an accurate count) each
15- minute count of the weekend here, plus a comparable number of American
goldfinches and Chipping Sparrows. With a number of feeders on both sides of
the house I could only estimate. We had a thrilling winter with the large
numbers of purple finches after so many winters of seeing only one or two
each year. Now, with spring approaching the feeder birds are being replaced
with common grackles and cowbirds. Change is constant, isn't it? Have a
wonderful spring!

Evelyn Dabbs
Wenee Woods
Mayesville, SC