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Hello y'all,
   Piddled with some plants and checked the yardbird action today. Here's my
Great Egret - 2 (flyover)
TV - 1
Cooper's Hawk - 1
Red-tail - 1
Killdeer - 1 (new yardbird!)
Rock Dove - 19
Mourning Dove - 11
RUHU - 1
Red-bellied Wp. - 2 (m&f)
Downy Wp. - 1
N. Flicker - 1
Pileated Wp. - 1 (f)
Fish Crow - 5 (flyover)
Carolina Chickadee - 4 (one gathering rootlets)
Tufted Titmouse - 5 (interesting encounter; 1 brought a sunflower seed from
the feeder into the garage where I was repotting some stuff. Perched on my
old golf pull cart about 3 ft. away and did its thing. Then flew down to the
garage floor and systematically shredded a sycamore leaf, periodically
picking up the fragments as if to make sure it could carry them all. Gave
one little "shriek" and what I assume was its mate flew in. The latter
arrival flitted about the back of the garage and squeaked and shrieked,
obviously making sure that I was paying attention. The first bird gathered
up its booty and took off. As soon as it was by me winging toward a tree,
the "decoy" zipped out in pursuit. Pretty neat.)
W-b Nuthatch - 1
Brn-hd Nuthatch - 5
C. Wren - 2
R-c Kinglet - 1
B-g Gnatcatcher - 2
Am. Robin - 4
N. Mockingbird - 3
Cedar Waxwing - 50+ (unfortunately their number was reduced by 2 when the
Cooper's came thru; the hawk got one, the back door claimed another.)
E. Starling - 5
Yellow-rumps - 12 or so
Pine W. - 2
N. Cardinal - 5
Chipping Sparrow - 16
White-throats - 9
R-w Blackbird - 8
C. Grackle - too many
House Finch - 5
House Sparrow - 7
    Appears the juncos have headed for their breeding grounds. The number of
chippies and white-throats is dwindling rapidly.
    Also a Cabbage White, 2 Tiger swallowtails, numerous sulphurs, and an
8-spotted Forester. Oh yeah, and four birders from the foothills of NC
looking for a RUHU (which I'm happy to report they found.)

Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
 Zone 8
"A dog might as well speculate on the mind of Newton." (Darwin)