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Daydreaming Hermit Thrush

As I was driving down our driveway at 1PM today, I spotted a Thrush sitting 
in the middle of the drive.  It was very still and looked smallish and a 
little thin.  I thought "Bicknell's"?, since I've been studying the spring 
migrants a little, and it's an inch or so smaller than a Gray-cheeked in my 
field guide, but no, there was the rufous tail....
Anyway, I slowly approached it in the car, and it still sat there motionless, 
I pulled up even closer, till I couldn't see it over the car hood anymore, 
surely it would fly, but still sat there,   I shut off the engine and got 
out, still nothing.  I began walking up to it and it still sat until I got to 
within a foot of it, then it finally flew away!!   As I drove towards the 
house I had to practically come to a stop 2 more times for 2 Juncos who took 
their time to fly out of the way, too.

Shelley Theye
N. Chatham County, NC