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backyard sightings: owls & swifts


Sunday April 2, as I was gathering firewood to build the final fire of 
the season I heard my first Spring Chimney Swifts over head.  Don't 
worry, I didn't build the fire; the last fire of the season will have to 
wait til October and then will become the first fire of the fall season!  
I'm looking forward to raising our annual clutch of swifts in the chimney 
again this year.

In mid-March, Anne looked out the kitchen window and said, "hey, look at 
the owl box!"  Sure enough, a nice red-phase E. Screech-Owl was poking 
his head out (thanks Lex!).  Unfortunately s/he didn't seem to stick 
around and nest.  

Jeff Pippen   	 				 jspippen@duke.edu
Botany Dept. Box 90342				
Duke University, Durham, NC  27708		PH: (919) 660-7278