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swifts, swallows, shorebirds

Hi y'all,
    Chimney Swifts and N. Rough-winged Swallows returned to south Conway
this week. Amongst a plethora of Tree Swallows at HBSP today (4/6) a pair of
Barn Swallows. Shorebirds censused at HBSP jetty pond today:
Am. Oystercatcher - 2
Black-bellied Plover - 35
Wilson's Pl. - 5
Semipalmated Pl. - 93
Piping Pl. - 11
Willet - 4
Sanderling - 12
Western Sp. - 11
Least Sp. - 1
Dunlin - 335
S-b Dowitcher - 710
Also 9 Least tern and 11 Forster's Tern.

Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
 Zone 8
'"Oh frabjous day! Calloo, Callay!' he chortled in his joy." (Carroll)