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catbird and wrens


Yesterday I saw a Gray Catbird eating suet crumbs in the backyard, one of my 
favorites to watch during the summer. Happy to see their return! Hope a pair 
will nest again.

The Carolina Wrens are busy taking turns feeding their kids. There were 3 
eggs, but I'm not sure how many kids are in the basket. Have to be careful 
going in and out our front door so we don't disturb them. They are fun to 
watch as they approach or leave, perching on a bush, flag pole, hummingbird 
feeder, gutter on ceiling, or chair, before flying to the basket with food. 

The Yellow-rumps look pretty in their breeding colors. So do the 
White-throated Sparrows, who are in full song now. Had my first Chimney Swift 
sighting in the neighborhood Monday.

Well, I saw a Yellow-throated Warbler in my dream last night! Maybe I'll see 
one this weekend!

Happy birding!!

Karen Bearden
Raleigh, NC