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New Road and Conway Sewage Ponds

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Gary Phillips and I had 43 or 44 species while birding along New Road and
the Conway Sewage Ponds this afternoon.

Double-crested Cormorant-2
Green Heron-3
Canada Goose-a gaggle (what a cool word)of 25 Canada Geese including one
incubating 4 eggs. This is the feral group that hangs out at the sewage ponds.
Mallard-a pair
Blue-winged Teal-2
N. Shoveler-2 both males
Turkey Vulture-1
Red-shouldered Hawk-1
Lesser Yellowlegs-1
Solitary Sandpiper-1
Spotted Sandpiper-3 or 4
Least Sandpiper-13 most just beginning molt
Bonaparte's Gull-2
Mourning Dove-3
possible Common Nighthawk-1 a brief look at a distant bird before the pine
trees obscured my view.
Chimney Swift-1
Red-headed Woodpecker-1
Red-bellied Woodpecker-3
Downy Woodpecker-3
Pileated Woodpecker-1 heard only
E. Kingbird-1
Purple Martin-7
N. Rough-winged Swallow-3 They breed near the Sewage Plant
Blue Jay-2
Am Crow-1
Fish Crow-12
Carolina Chickadee-2
Tufted Titmouse-5
Carolina Wren-2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-numerous
N. Mockingbird-1
Eur. Starling-1
Red-eyed Vireo-4
N. Parula-2
Black-throated Blue-1 seen by Gary before I arrived. Drat!
Yellow-rumped Warbler-5
Yellow-throated Warbler-3
Pine Warbler-2
N. Cardinal-4
Song Sparrow-1
White-throated Sparrow-6
Red-winged Blackbird-13
Common Grackle-6

Butterflies seen were 2 Monarchs, 2 Black-Swallowtails, 1 E.

A nice afternoon.

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC