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The Bobolink has returned to the hay field in Henderson County where it has been
seen throughout the spring and summer for the past few years, presumably
nesting.  Actually, there are usually a couple pair in this field during that
time.  Local birders have known about this, but the farmer who owns the
property says that he first noticed them several years before that, so I would
guess that they have been nesting there for 8 to 10 years.  It's hard to see
how they can be successful since he mows the hay in late May or early June, but
they keep coming back.  The farmer thinks they are nesting along the fence line
which isn't mowed.  (Actually, he didn't know what they were, but when I
originally talked to him and told him he had some very unusual birds in his
field he said "oh, you mean those black birds with the white backs?")
	I guess we'll just wait and see what happens this year.  Unfortunately,
no one here ever has time to check on nesting success or even to try and find
the nest.  The birds are on Warlick Road and can usually be seen and heard from
the road.  DO NOT TRESPASS.  If any local birders have time to check on these
birds during this nesting season, please let me know and I will see if I can
get permission from the landowner to walk his property.
Marilyn Westphal/Hendersonville  email:  mjwestphal@unca.edu