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Harris's Sparrow/West. Tanager @ Cape Lookout

This morning (Monday, Apr 24) Bob Holmes and I birded Cape Lookout (NC)
where we found both a Harris's Sparrow and a Western Tanager. Both 
birds were males in or very near breeding plumage.  The Harris's Sparrow
was in a cedar tree about 200 yards behind the 2 story cottage that stands
on the eastern side of the bight where the old Coast Guard dock is located.
The tanager was on the lawn and edge just south of the Coast Guard station.

If chasing either of these birds interests anyone, here's some more to ponder.
Since these birds are very likely migrants (I guess there is a possibility
that either or both could have over wintered) if they stick around for a few
their location could be anywhere in the general area.  With the rain that moved
in at the Cape this afternoon and is predicted to remain through Tues night, 
they may be grounded until it clears.  The Harris's Sparrow posed for us for
about 5 minutes in the cedar, then disappeared back into the foliage and we were
not able to relocate it afterwards.  We didn't spend a great deal of time
for it as there was a lot of cover nearby and we still had a lot of ground
to cover
and an appt. looming for being picked-up.  A lot of migrants we encountered
around the 
lighthouse (north of this spot) seemed to be working their way south towards 
the Coast Guard Station. If it's still there, I would look from this area
behind the 2 story cottage on south through the "village" and check the area
around the C.G. station very well.  The exact spot where we located the
sparrow is right on the the road that runs basically east to west just north
of the arrow that points to the "High Sand Dune" on the map on p. 241 in
Fussell's book. The cedar was just west of the strip of pine trees.  You
will have to take a passenger ferry from Harker's Island to get over to 
the Cape (about $10).  Ferries out of Barbour's Harbour or Calico Jack's are
cheapest/closest.  You may try to get them to drop you off in front of the 2
gray cottage or at the old C.G. dock.  You would want to work from one of
these drop-
off points all the way to the other before you're through.

You can call me if you have further questions-  

Wade Fuller
w- 252 638-2811 or 252 637-1991
h- 252 633-6930

PS- We did not hear or see and mosquitos or "no-seeums" today!! (But I would
go prepared)