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Big Woods Rd. Forestry station/ E. Kingbird

Hi Everyone,
     Yesterday afternoon, my 10 year old son, Ben, and I stopped by the 
Forestry Station on Big Woods Rd. to see the Ospreys.  Saw 6, 2 pairs on 
nests, and lots of DC Cormorants, also nesting.  
     Couldn't talk him into looking in the adjoining patch of trees for 
warblers, but did hear a Yellow-throated singing. 
      As we were returning to our car, parked next to the headquarters, we 
noticed an E. Kingbird on the volleyball net there, first I've seen this 
spring.  As we watched it fly onto and off of the net, it was joined by 
Cowbirds, 4 male and 1 female, and they all sat in a close knit row together.
      Then we noticed in the grass by our car, a flock of 24 Chipping 
      Then, heard Hummingbirds, saw 3 in a small shrub in the same area.
      Later, when I had to return to Big Woods Rd. to pick up my daughter,6, 
at her friends house nearby, I stopped for a second at the Pacfic Slope 
Flycatcher spot.  The tree that I and a few others had seen it perched low in 
had leafed out, was a Chesnut Oak.  Sitting, hiding in the tall grass near 
that tree was a black cat, we stared at eachother for a minute, then as I 
stepped over the gate and walked towards him he slinked off.  Think I 
interrupted his hunting.  Was kind of eerie seeing him there, in the same 
spot that the beautiful Flycatcher had been a few months prior.
Shelley Theye
N. Chatham County, NC