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Re: Harris's Sparrow/West. Tanager @ Cape Lookout

Kent Fiala wrote: 
>Not to take away from these sightings, but in the case of the Harris's
>Sparrow I think that you must have meant adult plumage rather than male
>plumage.  The sexes are alike.

Thanks for catching my oversight.  Monday was quite a long day.  I didn't
get back from Harkers Island until after 9 PM and was obviously too hasty
in trying to get the word out.  Maybe if Bob Holmes would enter the world
of computers and e-mail . . . .

What a bizarre day Monday turned out to be.  The way the wind blew all day
Sat and Sun, I wondered if we would even be able to stand up at the Cape on
Mon.  But at sunrise it was slick calm.  It was one of the most pleasant days
I ever remember at this spot- mild temps, NO wind, and NO MOSQUITOS!!
The birding was a little on the bizarre side as well.  We went hoping for
some migrant warblers but our first three birds were Red-breasted Nuthatch,
Blue-headed Vireo, and Palm Warbler.  We saw NO raptors- not even a kestrel.
Warblers were disappointing- added C. Yellowthroat, Prairie, Yellow-rumped,
Prothonatary, and Chat. We did find a female Rose-breasted Grosbeak and a
couple of Baltimore Orioles. Birds in largest numbers were Blue Grosbeaks 
and Indigo Buntings.  At one time I had 2 male Indigos, a male Blue Grosbeak 
and a male Western Tanager in my binocular view at one time- quite an eyeful!

Just wish I had the time to get back out there another day or two this spring-
might not relocate the Harris's Sparrow, but who knows what else might get
blown in.  Trips to Cape Lookout seldom disappoint . . . 

Wade Fuller
New Bern, NC