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Re: :) ; Saturday bird count in Columbia

Smiles from Irmo way as well (northwest side of Columbia, SC), as we
finally had some significant migrant activity at home today.  These are all
firsts of the season:

Spotted Sandpiper	along creek behind yard
Gray Catbird
American Redstart
Prairie Warbler		first on yard list
Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
Scarlet Tanager

A couple of Indigo Buntings have buzzed by earlier this week (not this 
morning).  We continue to have dozens of American Goldfinches at the feeders, 
making such a "racket" (but beautiful to see and hear) that I wondered if the
warblers were being scared away.  We also continue to see White-Throated
and Chipping Sparrows at the feeders.  Many Yellow-Rumped Warblers 
continue in our trees.

We thought of taking down the Christmas wreath on our front door too late--
a Carolina Wren had already laid a clutch of eggs in a nest built right
in the center of the wreath (that includes a fake cardinal!).  Now there
are babies in there.  I'm trying to deter cats (from the neighbors and, yes,
ours) who have discovered the nest.  Any nonviolent suggestions?  We can
keep our cats in, but the neighbors' cats are worse.  I placed a pile of
pokey branches by the door to keep cats from lying there or trying to jump
up to the nest.  We use the garage instead of the front door now.
Saturday is the new 3 Rivers spring bird count in our area, and I have a
territory between I-26 to the north and the Saluda River to the south,
out as far as Lake Murray.  Saluda Shoals Park and Gardendale are 
excluded (for my territory, not the overall count).  I am seeking permission
to bird on Honeywell land by the river and at Pine Island on Lake Murray.
Contact me if you want to come along for the day or part of it, or 
otherwise help with the count!

Jerry Griggs     j@sc.edu
Columbia, SC