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Migrants et al. @ Cowans Ford et al.

I was joined yesterday afternoon by Stephen Harris at Cowans Ford WR, the
McGuire Nuclear thermal ponds, and on the water at Lake Norman.  Osprey (18,
by count on six nests) abound on southern Lake Norman, and the GBHeron
Rookery on the island between NavMkrs D2 and D4 flourishes.  Also seen over
the waters in various locations were Common Loon, Spotted Sandpiper, TWO
CASPIAN TERNS mixed in with a flock of R-b Gulls nr NavMkr 5, as well as
Barn Swallows and Tree Swallows.  A Common Nighthawk was spotted nr the Hwy
1109 bridge nr I-77 exit 33.

McGuire Nuckear west thrmal pond yielded Osprey, Spotted Sandpipers (3), PB
Grebe, while the east pond floated 3 Double-crested Cormorants.

Surprisingly, (to me, as I had always breezed past this spot previously) the
intersection of Beatties Ford Road and Neck Road, with its mixed-vegetation
and scrub was surprisingly productive, albeit traffic-noisy at times.
Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, Prairie Warblers, Common Yellowthroats, Nashville
Warblers, and a crow-harrassed Northern Harrier were all to be seen and/or
heard.  Because this spot is about 5 road miles from the CFWR, but only 3
miles as the you-know-what flies, I have included these birds in the CFWR
listing below:

             Wood Duck
             Great Blue Heron
             Green Heron
             Turkey Vulture
             Black Vulture
             Northern Harrier
             Red-shouldered Hawk
             Red-tailed Hawk
             Lesser Yellowlegs (7!)
             Mourning Dove
             Red-bellied Woodpecker
             Northern Flicker
             Eastern Phoebe
             Great Crested Flycatcher
             Eastern Kingbird
             Red-eyed Vireo
             Eastern Bluebird
             Brown Thrasher
             Brown-headed Nuthatch
             Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
             Barn Swallow
             Tree Swallow
             Northern Rough-winged Swallow
             American Goldfinch
             Nashville Warbler
             Pine Warbler
             Prairie Warbler
             Common Yellowthroat
             Savannah Sparrow
             Chipping Sparrow
             Field Sparrow
             Eastern Towhee
             Summer Tanager
             Northern Cardinal
             Indigo Bunting
             Red-winged Blackbird
             Brown-headed Cowbird

Tom "two legs at a time" Lorenzin
Davidson (Lake Norman), NC
SkyTomX@XDellNet.com or TomLoX@XMicrosoft.com
(remove Xs to use addresses)
pursuit of learning wherein
pupil is teacher
	~ after Arthur Koestler
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