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Kentucky Warbler

One nice male Kentucky Warbler at Ritter Park during lunch, the first I have
seen at this location.  Also a female Hooded Warbler doing the tail flicking
thing.  I guess that male that's been singing like crazy is going to get a mate!
Also treated to the pleasant sound of Veery and Wood Thrush singing at the same
time, always a nice duet.

Things are finally starting to pick up a little bit!

Observation: Several of the species I've been seeing are about 2 weeks later
than my first-of-the-year sightings last year, including Red-eyed Vireo, Scarlet
tanager, Veery, Solitary SP and Least SP; all relatively easy-to-locate species
whose presence/absence can usually be readily determined.  How bout where you

Steve Shultz
Cary, NC
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