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sad and happy news


First the sad news. Last week I wrote telling you my excitement on finding 
chickadee eggs and kids in a backyard birdbox. I had watched the parents 
flying back and forth to the box, obviously feeding their kids Monday - 
Thursday. Friday morning I heard a familiar song I hadn't heard for awhile. 
The House Wren had returned. Mixed feelings with his arrival since he pulled 
out the chickadee nesting material 2 years ago. I was happy to see him start 
building his own nest in another box. Later Friday afternoon, I heard my 
chickadees scolding, upset over something. I looked outside to make sure the 
House Wren and Blue Jays weren't harrassing him. Nope. Saturday we were gone 
most of the day, but never saw the chickadees. I started feeling concerned. 
Sunday morning I looked out and noticed material hanging out of the box. Then 
I saw the House Wren pulling more out. Of course I went outside to chase him 
away. Got the courage to open the box, afraid of finding dead chickadees 
again. Well, there was nothing inside except for the nest. No eggs shells or 
kids on the ground below either. When I shared this story at the Chapel Hill 
Bird Club meeting Monday, the thought was a snake. We have a baffle, but 
maybe not the right kind on that particular box. Needless to say, I am 
heartbroken since chickadees are so special to me. It's so hard for me to 
watch the sad part of nature.

On a much happier note, the Carolina Wrens had one successful chick fledge. 
Plus, this week has been very busy at the feeders with 2 Gray Catbirds, 2 
Brown Thrashers, and 2 Mockingbirds. The robins, catbirds, Pine Warblers, and 
cardinals, and Carolina Wrens are singing beautiful songs throughout the day.

Joe and I will be counting birds this weekend for Roger's Partner's In Flight 
survey again.

Then of course next week is CBC in Blowing Rock!!! YIPPEE!!

See ya there! Happy birding! 

Karen Bearden
Raleigh, NC