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various places on the SC upper coast

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Yesterday, Friday, at 5:30PM Paul Rogers and I began our birdathon for
Waccamaw Audubon Society. We were joined later in the evening by Tonya
Spires.  We quit at 10PM and resumed at 6AM this morning and birded till
5:30PM. On Friday we covered Lake Busbee and country roads south of Conway
in Horry County, SC.  Today we birded at Myrtle Beach State Park and then
went to Huntington Beach S.P. about 10:30AM. We totaled 109 species.
M=Myrtle Beach S.P. H=Huntington Beach S.P. B=New Road and L. Busbee
N=Nocturnal birding

Brown Pelican-H
Double-crested Cormorant-H
Great Blue Heron-H
Great Egret-H
Snowy Egret-H
Little Blue Heron-H
Tricolored Heron-H
Green Heron-M&H
Canada Goose-B
Wood Duck-M
Blue-winged Teal-H
Red-breasted Merganser-H
Sharp-shinned Hawk-in Paul's backyard
N. Bobwhite-a stop at the former Air Force Base in Myrtle Beach where this
species is dependable
Virginia Rail-H heard only
Common Moorhen-H
Black-bellied Plover-H
Wilson's Plover-H
Semipalmated Plover-H
Greater Yellowlegs-H
Spotted Sandpiper-all locations
Ruddy Turnstone-H
Semipalmated Sandpiper-H
Least Sandpiper-H
Pectoral Sandpiper-H
Purple Sandpiper-H actually on the north jetty
Short-billed Dowitcher-H
Laughing Gull-H
Ring-billed Gull-H
Herring Gull-H
Royal Tern-H
Sandwich Tern-H
Forster's Tern-H
Least Tern-B&H
Black Skimmer-H
Rock Dove-B
Mourning Dove-all areas
Yellow-billed Cuckoo-all areas
E. Screech Owl-N&H
Great Horned Owl-N
Chimney Swift-B
Belted Kingfisher-M
Red-headed Woodpecker-H
Red-bellied Woodpecker-all areas
Great Crested Flycatcher-all areas
E. Kingbird-B&H
Purple Martin-H
N. Rough-winged Swallow-B
Barn Swallow-B&H
Blue Jay-M&H
Am. Crow-B
Fish Crow-B&H
Carolina Chickadee-M&H
Tufted Titmouse-all areas
Brown-headed Nuthatch-B
Carolina Wren-M&H
Marsh Wren-H
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-all areas
Swainson's Thrush-M
Wood Thrush-M
Am Robin-singing as I left home this morning and at H
Gray Catbird-M&H
N. Mockingbird-M&H
Brown Thrasher-M&H
Cedar Waxwing-M
Loggerhead Shrike-B
European Starling-all areas
White-eyed Vireo-M&H
Red-eyed Vireo-M&H
N. Parula-M&H
Yellow Warbler-M
Black-throated Blue Warbler-M&H heard only
Yellow-rumped Warbler-M&H
Pine Warbler-B&H
Blackpoll Warbler-M&H
Black and White Warbler-M&H
Prothonotary Warbler-B heard only
Worm-eating Warbler-M
Swainson's Warbler-M heard only
Ovenbird-M heard only
Common Yellowthroat-H
Hooded Warbler-M&H
Summer Tanager-M&H
SCARLET TANAGER-M-a knock your socks off look at a beautiful singing male.
A real rarity for the coastal plain.  
N. Cardinal-all areas
Blue Grosbeak-M
Indigo Bunting-M&H
Painted Bunting-H
E. Towhee-all areas
White-throated Sparrow-M
Red-winged Blackbird-M&H
Boat-tailed Grackle-H
Common Grackle-B&M
Brown-headed Cowbird-B&H
Orchard Oriole-M&H
House Finch-B
Am. Goldfinch-M
House Sparrow-B


Jack Peachey
Conway, SC