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Aiken birding in the heat of the day

Hi folks,

This afternoon I headed out to look for some local good looking habitat. I 
found a nice stretch of road on Anderson Pond Road, at Anderson Millpond. 
The best birds were a pair of Empidonax feeding young near the "dam". They 
remained silent, but were certainly Willow/Alder type. They stayed out in 
the grass and brush, and I'm 99% sure they were feeding young (they flew 
back and forth every 4 minutes or so carying food to a single site). I'll 
check this out tomorrow morning, to see if I get them singing, and check out 
the nest. All the info I have on thes 2 species is that they do NOT breed in 
this region. Correct?

Other highlights:

1 Ovenbird
1 Kentucky Warbler
3 Yellow-throated Warbler
2 Pine Warbler
1 Blackburnian Warbler
2 Singing Worm-eating Warbler
1 Prothonotary
1 Chat
Several Summer Tanagers
a singing Alder Flycatcher (in the forest)
a Pied-billed Greebe

The 3 White-throated Sparrows that were in my yard for 3 days are now 
out-o-here. Canada bound.

Paul Champlin
College Acres, Aiken, SC
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