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Mississippi Kites, Eurasian Collared-Doves

Hello All!

Two things of note:

The Mississippi Kites are back in Laurinburg.  Barbara Gearhart saw a group
of five near her house last Saturday (4/30).  She will keep me posted on
when she finds the first nesting pair.

There has been a pair of Eurasian Collared-Doves at Ft. Bragg since early
last week.  The female is now sitting on eggs.  However, the exact location
is private property and also has construction going on.  For anyone
interested, arrangements may be made to view the birds through me. This
makes the furthest inland nesting attempt in NC to date.  We will certainly
be keeping tabs on these birds and have our eyes out for others in the

Susan M. Campbell
Whispering Pines, NC
