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Upper Little Creek Impoundment and more....

This morning I visited Upper Little Creek Impoundment on Highway 54 just outside of Chapel Hill. A first for me was a blackpoll warbler.
Another treat was seeing a blue gray gnatcatcher feeding 2 fledglings.
And I saw the wood duck and her brood of 8 (possibly 9) ducklings.  I got a great view of an American redstart, and lots of indigo buntings. Also seen were goldfinches, cardinals, cat birds, green backed heron, 4 great blue herons, geese, grackles, belted kingfisher, northern flickers, a red bellied and a downy woodpecker, and starlings.

A quick stop at the StageCoach Rd impoundment provided my first prothonotary warbler of the season.

Hooded warblers and summer tanangers are very cooperative at the NC Botanical Gardens.  The black throated blue warbler is there but a bit harder to find.  Ovenbirds and wood thrushes are also there.

Lisa Dailey
Durham, NC